There was once a star in the sky and it shone down a beam of light onto a mom dog, who was looking for a place of shelter to deliver her litter. And out they came, although the last one seemed to resist the dark of night….but she did eventually and snuggled up with the others. They soon grew fangs and fists to smash and tongues to speak beautiful truths and together grew as an army to correct all the wrongs of the human race.They were kicked, they were beaten, thrown out, left on their own but they grew strong.
This band of oily, yellow-fanged, foul breathed, spittle spewing rabid „Angyoldogs“ gnash their teeth at despots and nasty people…demanding love and often expressing it….Their wet noses nudge into high places seeking out the bigots, the despots and dictators. They get sniffed out, snarled at…..and then they are gone.
The dogs reside in the mind of composer,singer,producer Nellis du Biel with the occasional help from some of the greatest musicians who dare to play with them.